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Business technology

Rowan Schaaf

Exploring the transformative power of
digital technology on business.

With over 30 years working in the technology sector, it’s fair to say I’ve seen some change. Most of it has been amazing, some of it a little dubious, but no path is perfect right?  I have to own up to sometimes getting enamored with things that have no obvious purpose, perhaps that’s the convergence of art and science. However, when creativity, utility, and technology intersect, that’s pretty exciting.

We started Pattern, our consultancy business, over a decade ago, with a very simple goal. We wanted to work with clients, and on projects that allowed us to exercise our creativity, and technical ability, to create digital products that people love. We didn’t want to be shoe-horned into any one particular sector, and didn’t want to be wedded to any specific technology stack or way of thinking. We’ve certainly been successful with the breadth of work, and given the pace of change in our industry, we’re pretty much forced to re-think our approach to technology on an almost daily basis. There’s no shortage of new tools and toys in our industry.

Before Pattern, I filled a variety of roles in a range of organisations. I was the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer at the Shopping Channel in Auckland, and I also held the position of Chief Operating Officer for Hypermedia Group. Additionally, I served as the Executive Director – Digital for Ogilvy & Mather, one of New Zealand’s largest full-service agencies. My journey also includes leading a superbly talented team at Terabyte Interactive and working across both New Zealand and Australia with Exonet, which is now part of MYOB.

Family and community are also important to me, although the irony of swiping away gadgets  and computers to get the kids outside isn’t lost on me. In 2011, I joined Make-A-Wish New Zealand’s board of trustees, serving part of my term as Chair. It was an incredibly rewarding, and humbling experience that taught me a lot. If you get a chance to work in the not for profit sector, jump at it!

This blog explores ideas, technology, and strategies that are helping drive the digital economy. I hope you find it useful.


Rowan Schaaf

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